Free your File Explorer of ads

September 4th, 2019

Surprised that ads have taken over your Windows 10 PC, laptop, or Surface Pro? You can still have an ad-free experience with Windows 10 In this tutorial, we will show you how to turn off ads that Microsoft sends in File Explorer.
Who are getting these ads?
With ads being displayed in different parts of Windows 10 — the start menu, on the lock screen, from the taskbar, and in other Microsoft apps — overwhelming negative reactions to this Microsoft practice have been popping up online.

Declutter your desktop and get more work done

July 16th, 2019

Anything that hinders productivity is considered detrimental to profit, and a cluttered computer is one of them. Even a little time spent looking for files and applications in a crowded desktop can eventually add up to hours of downtime. Worse, it can mean losing critical data like important reports.

What you need to know about hosted Exchange

June 28th, 2019

A server can host most business programs, and many businesses rely on at least one server — most commonly Microsoft Exchange — to host their email platform. Some companies, however, don’t have enough room for a server. Hosted Exchange solves this dilemma.